Lea Born » Mrs. Lea Born

Mrs. Lea Born

All About Mrs. Born:
I am Lea Born, first grade teacher at Northern Cambria Elementary School.  I live in Northern Cambria with my husband and two children.  I love our little town, and enjoy being a part of our school.  I have been a teacher for 32 years.  I was actually in the first kindergarten class to start in this building!  I love my job and my students.  It will be my pleasure to work with your child!  Thanks for visiting my page.
First grade subjects include: Reading, Math, Spelling, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Grammar.  
Daily Schedule:
8:30  Arrival
9:00  ECRI
9:30  Literacy Centers
10:00  ELA- Core Reading / Writing
10:45 Heggerty
11:00 ELA WINN
11:40 Lunch
12:15 Math
1:00 Math WINN
1:40  Recess
2:05  Specials (Encore)
2:40  Science / Social Studies
3:15 Dismissal
Specials  (Encore classes)
Day 1,2,3   Art (Aug to Nov.13)
                  STEAM (Nov. 14 - Feb 13)
                  Music (Feb.14 - May)
Day 4   Gym
Day 5 Guidance
Grading Scale:
A: 92%-100%
B: 83%-91%
C: 74%-82%
D: 65%-73%
F: BELOW 65%

Monday - Study HF and Spelling words, Do math paper
Tuesday - Read fluency passage, study spelling, do Fill and Find Worksheet
Wednesday - Leveled Reader and WS, and study spelling words
Thursday - Spelling 2x each, Read story, Comprehension questions
Friday - NO homework!

Google Classroom
Parents,  If you wish to be invited to our Google Classroom, please send me your email address.